Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Angel's Landing: To Hike or Not to Hike?

To hike or not to hike? That is never the question to ask when you’re in Southern Utah. When you’re staying with us at Five Seasons Vacation Rentals, the answer is a big, “Yes!”

Ever heard of Angel’s Landing, in Zion National Park?

View from Angel's Landing

You will never experience beauty like this. It’ll literally take your breath away, from both the strenuousness of the hike or with the unbelievable, incomparable scenic views from both below and above the trail. However, if you happen to be afraid of heights, I would definitely recommend choosing a different hike. Seriously, no one will want to carry you back down.

Angel’s Landing can be hiked all year round (unless weather is not permitting), but it is recommended to hike from March through October. We at Five Seasons like to go during any of our “five seasons.” You know: hot, really hot, warm, cool, and kind of cold.

Up the Hill We GoYou have to make sure you allows yourself an ample amount of time to complete this 5 mile hike; the average time to complete all of  the Angel’s Landing trail is around 5 hours. Not too bad. With it being such a popular hike, you’ll see a lot of faces along the trail, but it works because everyone takes the trail at their own pace.

Angel’s Landing is well maintained, and the first few miles of the trail happen to be paved. Be prepared to get your wiggles out as you go through “Walter’s Wiggles,” which are the 21 switchbacks that you get to pass through. Isn’t that best part, though?

Nothing can prepare you for the last stretch of sheer cliffs on an extremely narrow fin. However, once you pass through that and take a few deep breaths, you arrive at the lookout at a peak of 5,785 feet.  It’s pretty much like gazing into heaven.

Look at the pictures, do some research, and plan a vacation! One of our St. George vacation rentals is waiting for your!

For more information and on Angel’s Landing, go to: